Monday, February 4, 2013


Well, it's been a week since I officially started training.  It went by without a hitch.  After my quick run today, it will be day eight without any time off.  I really can't believe that I've done eight workouts in seven days.  I think what makes it pretty easy is alternating activities.  The other thing is actually knowing that I have eyes on me (my coach) and I know that I have to complete the workout.  As time goes on, the workouts will continue to get much more intense, but for now, it's working.  There was one evening that my crazy life didn't allow me to start pedaling until 7:45 at night, but I did it and I was glad I did.  I thought I would be sore from working out so much, but I'm not at all.  Wednesday is my first day off and I will be looking forward to it!  I have noticed that I'm more energized and I wake up much earlier.  (I'm wondering if I have my mom and dad's insomnia genes.)

When I was actually outside riding my bike I noticed that I kept worrying about falling and hurting myself.  I'm hoping it's a typical worry.  The last thing I want is to be knocked out of the game due to an injury.  I've decided that I'm going to listen to my body.  I've done that for years and it's always paid off in the end.

Gary and I decided that we are going to go to Galveston in April so I can do another 70.3 for training.  Now this scares me.  Ocean swim.  Sharks, sting rays, sea creatures.  UGH!  Gary insists that I will be ok and that nothing is going to happen.  Last summer, when I was in Florida, I looked and looked at that ocean and thought about doing a swim, but I couldn't do it.  I'll have to face my fears eventually on this one.

 "I can't believe I'm going to do an Ironman."

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