Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week 4 and 5

I didn't blog last week because it was just as normal as can be.  Went through my workouts without any hiccups.  That's been the case, for the most part, so far.  I've been extremely busy with just life in general.  Many different things have been on my mind and those continue to carry me through all of the challenges that I face as a mom, wife, and teacher.

I got a phone call from an appointment from Kylie's ocularist sometime last week or this week.  I don't remember which. It seems like my days have been slipping into the next.  Anyway, in a nutshell, he informs me that she needs a new prosthetic eye.  Apparently, she is supposed to get one every couple of years.  Well, this is a new ocularist, a second opinion.  He informed me that if she doesn't get a new one every so often, then she will become even more asymmetrical that she already is.  The bones and muscles around her eye socket need to be stimulated for growth. Ugh...good to know.  Ya see, she's had a "fake" eye since she was three years old. Furthermore, because she had a debulking last year on her tumor, she should have had an exam under anesthesia afterwards.  How frustrating!  So, needless to say, next month while she is put under for her MRI, for the upteenth time, she will also get a plaster type material inserted into her eye socket so she can be fitted correctly for her prosthetic.

Now,  all of this being said... DO I NEED ANY OTHER REASON TO DO IRONMAN????

Motivation baby.

We need a CURE.

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