Friday, April 5, 2013

Week 8-9

Half Ironman week!  Wow.  That went by really fast!  Training so far has been absolutely amazing.  I've spent more hours on the bike trainer than I would like to confess to and, before this journey is over, I may wear out my third treadmill. 

Sunday is the day.  I feel really great going into this race.  Mentally, I'm going to hold back and enjoy the entire thing.  I never thought I would actually say that I'm using a 1/2 IM as a training experience.  Sounds crazy. 

I know that my little hero will carry me through.  She is having another MRI next week.  All I have to think about is how brave she is when the doctor puts the mask over her face.  How she bruises afterwards from the IV and never complains.  How she takes her medication every night without any complaints, even when it results in throwing up afterwards.  She makes my journey so much easier and well worth it. 

Please help support me and my hero along the way...

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